News and Trends for Parking

In comparison: Arivo vs freeflow-only providers

Written by D. Hackinger | Oct 14, 2024 12:39:43 PM

The ideal parking system lays the foundation for the seamless management of parking spaces. But which provider offers the best solution? Who is best suited to your requirements? This comparison of Arivo and freeflow-only providers should help you in your decision-making process.



1. Choosing the ideal parking solution supplier 

2. Who is Arivo?

3. What are freeflow-only supplier?

4. What sets Arivo apart?

4.1. Technologically sophisticated parking system

4.2. No participation by Arivo in revenues

4.3. No conflict of interests

4.4. Customer-friendly dunning processes

5. Arivo vs freeflow-only supplier (infographic)

6. Risks of high parking penalties & aggressive dunning

7. Arivo's enforcement solution in comparison (infographic)

8. Who suits me better?

9. Conclusion




Choosing the ideal parking solution supplier

With or without barriers? Parking systems and their providers have different advantages and disadvantages. In addition, each parking area has its own requirements. The use case determines what fits better.

Today, many parking system providers offer barrier-free solutions. Some of them even rely entirely on freeflow. 

In order to make the right choice, the solutions of different providers should be compared in detail. The providers' pricing and business models should also be examined closely. To make the decision easier, we have compared Arivo with freeflow-only providers in this article.

You are also welcome to read our article 'In comparison: 'Arivo vs traditional parking system manufacturers'.

Who is Arivo?

Before we start with the comparison, here is a brief introduction to Arivo:

Arivo is a software company and technology provider of ticketless parking systems. Arivo offers everything needed for digital and efficient parking management - with or without barriers.

Arivo digitizes the entire operation of parking areas of any size - from fully digital customer management to customer-friendly enforcement for freeflow areas.

  Digital parking system for barriered & unbarriered parking spaces
  Intuitive software with a high degree of automation
  Reliable license plate recognition
  Strong focus on technology & product development
  No hidden extra costs

4 of the 5 largest parking operators in the DACH region already use Arivo's digital parking system for their parking operations. Contact Arivo now and get a non-binding quote! 


What are freeflow-only supplier?

These providers often offer relatively simple technical solutions. They might also function as (co-)operators, receiving a portion of the revenue from managing car parks or profiting from fines imposed through parking enforcement.

In most cases, they take on the enforcement and dunning of unpaid parking fees or violations. However, this can be critical depending on the agreement or business model.

If freeflow-only providers rely on revenue from penalty payments, they may be financially motivated to impose higher fines or enforce stricter payment and enforcement policies.

  Freeflow solution for paid and unpaid parking
  Software with basic freeflow management functions
  Depending on the offer & agreement: participation in revenue from parking space management and/or financing via penalties



What sets Arivo apart in comparison?


1.    Technologically sophisticated parking system

What does Arivo offer? Arivo offers a fully-fledged, flexible parking management system - for both barriered and barrierless parking areas.

Arivo is capable of managing all typical scenarios in the paid parking industry. Its user-friendly software, automated processes, and intelligent features simplify parking operations..

Clear event logs, a user-friendly system for handling unpaid parking fees, easy cancellation of these fees, and the ability to enable or disable enforcement at any time are especially useful for free-flow operations.

Why is this important? The range of functions and technical possibilities depend heavily on the provider in question. Solutions from freeflow-only providers may be simple and may only offer a few basic functions.

In comparison, Arivo focuses on technological depth and offers extensive configuration options and insights into all relevant operating data. More on this below.




2.    No participation by arivo in revenues

What does Arivo offer? Arivo is a technology supplier and does not participate in the revenue from car park operation. The costs of Arivo parking solutions consits of a one-off investment and recurring monthly software fees.

As a result, Arivo customers maintain complete authority over their parking areas, free from any financial obligations. Even when it comes to enforcement of parking violations!

Operators decide for themselves whether and which cases are followed up! 100% of the parking fees collected go to the operator, while only the parking violation fee remains with Arivo as a processing fee to cover costs.

Why is this important? If parking system providers benefit from revenue sharing or penalty payments, they are acting as (co-)operators. In such situations, it is crucial to thoroughly review the terms of the contract.

Freeflow providers that depend on penalty fees for revenue might be motivated to enforce stricter collection practices. This could result in higher parking fines and potentially diminish the customer-friendliness of the parking solution.


3.    No conflict of interests

What does Arivo offer? For Arivo, a parking system is considered successful when the number of non-payers is kept as low as possible. The primary goal is a user-friendly parking system where drivers know exactly how to park and pay correctly.

To achieve this, Arivo assists in creating clear signage and provides payment kiosks and exit terminals that are easy to use. Traffic lights or info displays act as feedback systems, offering drivers additional assurance.

This ensures there is no conflict of interests: operators benefit from satisfied customers who can easily pay due to clear signage and simple operation. A smooth process is in the best interest of both parties.

Why is this important? When providers of parking solutions rely economically on collected parking fines, a conflict of interest arises: the provider has an interest in generating as many fines and revenue as possible, while the car park operator aims for a low rate of non-payers and satisfied customers. 


4.    Customer-friendly dunning process

What does Arivo offer?  If desired, Arivo supports operators in enforcing parking violations and outstanding parking fees. For this purpose, Arivo handles the owner data inquiry and the debt collection process.

Cost-covering parking violation fees and fair cancellation options for outstanding parking costs make enforcement with Arivo particularly customer-friendly. 

Arivo does not pursue profits with the enforcement of upaid parking costs and guarantees a fair, transparent and customer-friendly solution. This spares operators a PR nightmare!

Why is this important? If providers of parking solutions are mainly financed by fines, they may only have two levers to increase profits: the amount and the number of fines.

This could be at odds with the end customer-friendly nature of tracking. Numerous complaints, negative reviews or press articles are often not long in coming with such business models. 


Sources: Kronen Zeitung (2024); Kurier (2024); Tiroler Tageszeitung (2024)


Arivo offers transparent, customer-friendly, and technologically advanced parking solutions for paid parking, with or without barriers. Curious about how managing your parking area with Arivo could look? Contact Arivo now!



Arivo vs freeflow-only supplier

Below you will find a detailed overview of the differences between Arivo's parking solution and freeflow-only providers.





Risks of high parking penalties & aggressive dunning

High penalty fees and an aggressive dunning process can lead to dissatisfaction among parking customers and other stakeholders. Often, this leads to unfavorable reviews, media coverage, and a tarnished reputation. In certain situations, this might escalate to legal battles, such as lawsuits initiated by customers or their representatives, including consumer protection agencies.


Sources: Bild (2024); Tiroler Tageszeitung (2024); Heute (2024); Tiroler Tageszeitung (2024); Kronen Zeitung (2024)

It's crucial to thoroughly examine and compare the contractual terms of enforcement systems. Monitoring parking violations in freeflow areas is vital to prevent revenue loss from non-payers. However, the dunning process should remain fair and customer-friendly to maintain a positive relationship with customers.


Comparison of Arivo's Enforcement Solution

Arivo offers a customer-friendly dunning system with fair conditions. Affordable parking violation fees and flexible reminder timelines ensure that your parking customers face fair accountability without excessive penalties. Flexible cancellation terms also allow operators to easily revoke individual outstanding parking fees before taking further action.

Below is a summary of how Arivo compares to other providers in addressing parking violations.


Any questions about Arivo's enforcement solution?  Contact Arivo now!



Who suits me better?

While freeflow systems have several benefits, they may not be suitable for every scenario. Here, you can find the main differences between parking solutions with and without barriers.

The range of features and technical capabilities can differ significantly depending on the provider. In contrast to manufacturers that offer both barrier and barrier-free options, freeflow-only providers might provide only fundamental functions.

Before choosing a provider, consider asking yourself these questions:

  • Barriered or barrier-free? Which option aligns better with my needs?
  • What features should the technological solution provide?
  • Do I want feedback systems (such as displays or traffic lights) at the exit?
  • Am I looking for a (co-)operator or a technology provider?
  • Am I prepared to share profits or relinquish control over parking fees and payment conditions?
  • Am I willing to face the potential of a public relations disaster sparked by unhappy parking customers due to steep fines?
  • Do I prioritize minimizing the number of fines issued to people?
  • Do I care about the amount of the penalty fee?

Are you unsure whether Arivo is the right choice for your use case? Find out and talk with us about your requirements.



Freeflow-only providers deliver digital solutions for managing both paid and unpaid parking spaces.Their financing might stem from revenue sharing or penalty charges, depending on the specific terms. Since their technical offerings are tailored for freeflow parking, they might lack the flexibility and user-friendliness of systems provided by those offering both barrier and barrier-free options.

Arivo is a technology provider specializing in digital parking management, suitable for areas with or without barriers. Arivo's digital parking system simplifies parking management and reduces the effort required.

Arivo impresses with a technologically advanced, customer-friendly parking solution—without sharing in revenues, restricting operators' control over their parking areas, or creating any conflict of interest.

Below is a summary of the Arivo's system:

   Reliable license plate recognition - with or without barriers

   Low-maintenance hardware incl. feedback systems for the exit

   Intuitive software with numerous functions & automated processes

   Transparent & predictable cost structure, 100% of revenue remains with the operator  

   Customer-friendly dunning system with low parking violation fees & accommodating cancellation conditions


Would you like to manage your parking space digitally and efficiently with Arivo? Get in touch with us. Together we will find the ideal solution for your use case.