The parking system for efficient operations

The Parking Solution for Ski Resorts & Cable Cars

Our parking solution enables efficient space management with minimal effort—allowing you to focus fully on maintaining perfect slopes and delivering a seamless skiing experience for your guests.
Bargeldlose Bezahlautomaten beim Parkplatz Dachstein Krippenstein
Arivo Kunde: Sölden Ötztal
Arivo Kunde: Geisskopfbahn
Cost-saving & efficient parking space operation with Arivo

Our Solutions for Your Challenges


Parking management without the hassle?

Low-maintenance hardware and smart software – our digital parking system allows you to manage your parking spaces effortlessly, with minimal staff and time required.

Touring skiers taking up your parking spaces?

Cable car guests enjoy discounted rates, while others, like touring skiers, pay a higher fee. Our software enables smart pricing to reserve spaces for your guests.

Campers occupy your parking lots overnight?

Are campers blocking your spaces at night? With our software, you can easily adjust parking fees, setting higher rates at night to reduce or prevent unauthorized parking.

Einfache & effiziente Parkraumbewirtschaftung mit Arivo

Sölden: Barrier-less Comfort for Ski Guests

Arivo Kunde: PBG Parkhausbetriebsgesellschaft mbH

The Sölden Glacier and Winter Ski Area in Tyrol, Austria, attracts numerous visitors each year, especially skiers and winter sports enthusiasts. To manage the ski area's parking efficiently and conveniently, the cable car operator and Ötztal Tourism decided for Arivo’s digital, ticketless parking system.

Read the whole story →

Arivo Kunde: Sölden Ötztal

Challenges in daily operations...

Minimal effort in operations
Minimizing the rate of non-payers
Multiple physically separated parking areas
 Frequent snowfall (avg. 51 days per year)
Hotel guests should be able to park for free. solved by Arivo

Ticketless & barrier-free system with low-maintenance hardware

Clear signage, simple payment options & feedback systems

Smart software that virtually unites separate areas

Reliable license plate recognition even in challenging conditions
Easily grant parking permission via the Arivo Hotel App
Parking space management with minimal effort

Smart Solution for Ski Resorts & Cable Cars

Arivo_Skigebiet_loesung_mockup_ Kopie
Why Arivo?

Your Advantages with Arivo

No Additional Operational Effort

Due to low-maintenance hardware & intuitive software

Simple, Modern Payment Options

Such as at the payment machine or online

Integration with Parking-Apps

Such as EasyPark or Parkster

Reliable License Plate Recognition

Smooth operation even in snowfall

Fewer Unauthorized Parkers

Whether with or without barriers

Free Parking for Hotel Guests 

Discount through the hotel app

-60 %
-90 %
Expendable materials
100 %
Digital parking system
110 %
Prepared for the future

What our Customers say

Portrait Gabriel Sieghartsleitner, Bergbahnen Dachstein Krippenstein


Zitat_Icon Arivo's parking system is incredibly user-friendly and saves us a lot of manual effort in operation. Even though parking management has become an additional responsibility for us, we haven't needed to hire any extra staff to handle it.



Gabriel Sieghartsleitner





Zitat_Icon On top of implementing a modern freeflow solution, our goal was to offer different, monthly fees for registered long-term parkers. Another major advantage for short-term parkers is the option to pay later, avoiding the hassle of lining up at the machine before leaving.


Dominik Poschinger-Bray

Managing Director Geisskopfbahn

Arivo Kunde: Geisskopfbahn

Lukas Lackner

Lukas Lackner

Sales Manager


Wondering if we are the perfect fit for you?

Let's talk about it! Together we will find the optimum solution for your needs.

All answers to your questions
Insight into our parking software
All information about our ticketless parking system
Together we digitize your ski resort

The Path to Your Digital Parking System


We will advise you free of charge and without any obligation. Together we will find the optimum solution for your needs.


Tell us about your project  

Set-up &

Our team ensures that everything is properly planned and delivered on time. After that, we provide you with a brief onboarding session to ensure you know how to operate the system optimally.


Software Updates &
Ongoing Support

You can rely on us even after the project is completed and commissioned. Without any additional service fees or maintenance flat rates.



Arivo references at ski resorts and cable cars

A Selection of Our Customer Projects


Das Arivo Parksystem im Einsatz bei der Bergbahnen Dachstein Krippenstein in Obertraun
Bergbahnen Dachstein Krippenstein


Bergbahnen Dachstein Krippenstein, the mountain cable car in Obertraun near Hallstatt, is a favoured spot for international tourists

Read the whole story →


Arivo Kunde: Geisskopfbahn

Rising visitor numbers and a lack of flexibility in car park management prompted the operators of the Geisskopfbahn to modernise...

Read the whole story →

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