Arivo Customer Management

Say goodbye to tedious, time-consuming processes. Transform your management of parking contract customers with us.

Arivo Customer Management streamlines and simplifies your parking contract processes. For both registered short-term and long-term parkers!



  Whitelabel Webshop 
Self-administration portal for parkers
  Automated customer accounting



Arivo customer: PBG
Arivo costumer: OEBB
Arivo costumer: Contipark
Arivo customer: Fraport
Arivo Kunde: APCOA
Key software application of the Arivo Parking OS

What is the Arivo Customer Management?

Efficient management of parking contract customers

Arivo Customer Management is one of the intelligent applications included in our Arivo Parking OS. It simplifies the process of overseeing both short-term and long-term parking, all while optimizing efficiency.

Say goodbye to the hassle of manually issuing (long-term) parking tickets. Cut down on the time and effort spent managing contract customers and long-term parkers with our intuitive solution!

Unsere Software macht Ihr Vertragskundenamanagement im Parken einfach.
Arivo Onlineportal für ParkkundInnen zum Abschließen von Parkverträgen und zum Verwalten des eigenen Accounts.

All-in-One solution: Webshop, self-administration portal, and customer accounting

Our customer management application is the ideal enhancement for your digital management in paid parking:

Aufzählung_eins   Webshop

Use our whitelabel webshop solution to sell parking contracts online 24/7. Once the contract is confirmed on the webshop, parkers can swiftly enter and park conveniently via licence plate recognition.

Aufzählung_zwei   Online portal for your parking customers

Empower your parking customers to easily oversee their personal accounts via a dedicated online portal.

Aufzählung_drei   Customer accounting

Our software application digitalizes the handling of your contract customers and automates the billing of your parking fees, including the collection of payments.

Effortless online sales & highly automated processes

Advantages of our Customer Management

No need to send (long-term) parking cards

No time-consuming processes. Your customers can conclude a contract, input their licence plate number & gain immediate access to your parking facility.


24/7 online sale of parking contracts

Via your own online shop, your parking customers can conclude parking contracts independently at any time and use them immediately.


Increased efficiency through automation

From billing and invoicing to payment collection, our system ensures that your customer accounting is completely automated.


Enabling parkers to self-administration

No additional effort due to the administration of data, payment methods or licence plates. Let your parking customers take care of it themselves!


Simple & central management

Our software application enables you to effortlessly and centrally manage all your contract customers across all your locations via a single interface.

1 system for short & long-term parking

Through our customer management application, you can efficiently handle the sale & oversight of parking contracts for both short-term and long-term parkers.

900 +
Realized projects
490 +
Satisfied customers
265 k
Managed parking spaces
LPR cameras in action
Smart features for your contract management in paid parking

The Features of our customer management application

Mit der Arivo Kundenverwaltung Park-Produkte, Tarife und KundInnengruppen leicht verwalten.

Administration of various products (parking permits), tariffs & customer groups

Different billing types are possible with Arivo customer administration.

Different billing types:

Pay-per-use or Flat-rate billing

Bei der Arivo Kundenverwaltung erfolgt die Zahlung per Lastschrift oder Kreditkarte.

Different payment options:
By direct debit or credit card

Automatisierte KundInnenbuchhaltung von Rechnungslegung bis Zahlungseinzug

Automated customer accounting:
From invoicing to payment collection

Diverse Exportmöglichkeiten stehen in der Arivo Kundenverwaltung zur Verfügung.

Export of invoices, contracts & payments for your accounting department

In der Arivo Kundenverwaltung wird ein Webshop mit eigenem Branding für alle Garagenstandorte zur Verfügung gestellt.

Webshop for all your car park locations:  Branded with your logo & hosted for you by Arivo

Ein eigenes Kundenportal steht in der Arivo Kundenverwaltung allen KundInnen zur Verfügung.

Customer portal: For retrieving invoices & managing data, licence plates, means of payment, ...

Die Arivo Kundenverwaltung ermöglicht den Verkauf von Dauerparkverträgen über den Webshop.

Sale of long-term parking contracts vie the webshop, with or without approval workflow.

QR-Code für Dauerparkende als Backup für Ein- und Ausfahrt.

QR code for long-term parkers as backup for entry & exit via licence plate recognition

Die Arivo Kundenverwaltung ermöglicht das Reservieren von Parkplätzen.

Pre-reservation & payment of parking spaces for your registered parking customers

The Customer Journey with our solution

Convenient parking for your contract customers

Registrierung bei im Arivo Kundenportal für bezahlte Parkgaragen

1. Registration

Enter registration data, state the billing address and licence plate number. And choose a payment method. Done.

Arivo Webshop für kostenpflichtige Parkgaragen

2. Conclude parking contract

After the registration, the specific location can be selected and a short- or long-term contract concluded.

Benachrichtigung zum abgeschlossenen Parkvertrag über das Arivo Kundenportal für kostenpflichtige Parkgaragen

3. Parking

Just one minute after finalizing the parking contract, your customers can enter and park.

Mailbenachrichtigung zur neuen Rechnung des Arivo Kundenportals für kostenpflichtige Parkhäuser

4. Payment

At the end of the month, parking fees are auto­mati­cally collected, either as a fixed monthly rate or pay-per-use.


What customers say about Arivo

Wolfgang Reichl - Parkenplus


Zitat_Icon Arivo's customer management system greatly reduces personnel costs and administration. It's difficult to say in percentage terms, but I estimate that the system reduces costs and effort by 80 - 85%. We manage around four and a half to 5000 long-term parkers in 17 garages with 3 half-time employees.



Dr. Wolfgang Reichl



Michael-Bachmann - PBG


Zitat_Icon Every major parking operator has its specialities and peculiarities in how it implements certain things. We are really very satisfied that the Arivo system could be adapted to our specifics and that the implementation simply worked very well.



Michael Bachmann



Arivo Kunde: PBG Parkhausbetriebsgesellschaft mbH Arivo Kunde: PBG Parkhausbetriebsgesellschaft mbH


Lukas Lackner

Sales Manager

Wondering if we are the perfect fit for you?

Let's talk about it! Together we will find the optimum solution for your needs.

All answers to your questions
Insight into our parking software
All information about our ticketless parking system
Our software solution for your long-term parking management

Seamless integration into existing parking facilities

With Arivo customer management, you can manage your parking lot easily and almost fully automatically. Regardless of whether you use an Arivo parking system or another for your parking lot operation.

Our software application can be seamlessly integrated with your existing parking system and ongoing garage operations, ensuring a smooth transition.

Working with Arivo

The path to your digital parking system

Allgemeine Icons


We will advise you free of charge and without any obligation. Together we will find the optimum solution for your needs.


Tell us about your project  


Set-up &

Our team ensures that everything is properly planned and delivered on time. After that, we provide you with a brief onboarding session to ensure you know how to operate the system optimally.



Software updates &
ongoing support

You can rely on us even after the project is completed and commissioned. Without any additional service fees or maintenance flat rates.



Any questions left?